duminică, 27 iulie 2008


It's been two weeks since I have started my training. I have decided I couldn't go on like this so I had to lose weight, become fitter, better and more powerful.
The training itself is going ok, not very good but not bad either.
In two weeks time I've managed to:
-brake two finger nails (one left, one right) and one toe nail.
-pull three times the same leg muscle.
-torn muscles (both left and right legs).
-small damages to my right shoulder (and that strange mark that appears when used too much).
-annoying pain at my second and third metatarsal bones from my right foot.
-tired left knee.

However, I feel just fine. Apart from the torn muscles that kept me from optimal training and the sometimes annoying pain from the right foot.
What I regret is that I had 3 maybe 4 days when I ate too much and slowed me down. But now I have a full week to recover what I gained and be better and better.
It's true that I have some problems concentrating... problems related to personal life which should not interfere but they somehow do...and I get mad because of it.
Thank the Lord for the music.

4 comentarii:

galani spunea...

I was really considering buying an Apple iPod Shuffle for this kind of activities. Or not even an iPod, but an ultraportable audio mp3 player. Because it is rather uncomfortable and risky carying my touch with me when I jog, for example.

Illuminatus spunea...

Well nano is a really good choice because it offers a lot of accessories that help you concentrate on running rather than how to cary it.
However, since you already have an iPod then getting a nano won't do the trick. So yes, an ultraportable device should do it. But what about Nike+ ?

galani spunea...

I thought Nike + iPod was only far nano? And I sold mine when I bought the Touch.

Illuminatus spunea...

Yes I know it is only for nano. That's why I said it complicates things a little bit. However, there were some rumors regarding touch and Nike+. As well as a new iPod Touch. Probably with GPS. But this is another story.