sâmbătă, 12 iulie 2008

Water in Spain

To my little surprise, the water situation is the same as in each other developed, western country. People care about it and try to conserve it.
However, things here were even more drastic. For example, on a local tv station, during the break commercial, you could view perhaps 15 different commercials each taking about 10 seconds. Maybe less! But, after all of them, there was one 'commercial', an official one, from the government, explaining to everybody not to consume too much water and conserve it as much as possible. This one lasted for 60 seconds, if not even more.

Another thing regarding water there: it is not so "hard" as ours. Let me explain myself. You go to the bathroom, you use the water, wash yourself wish some soap (it doesn't matter which one), and clean yourself. After you clean, you get that strange feeling that all the soap is still there. But it isn't. It's just the water, different from the one in our country. My mother said that, here at home, every time she washes her hands, she then uses some moisturizing cream. After using this "spanish" water, she doesn't need the cream anymore.

And this is great not only for our skin and hair, but also for bathroom appliances and washing machines which don't loose their glow or break so often.

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