marți, 30 decembrie 2008

End of 2008

2008 was a good year overall. More blog post that I've imagined. Big audio improvements in my car I did not expect, one year of college passed and another one in progress, enought party's, new friends etc. More good than bad, which is...good, right?
There were downsides but most have been taken care of.
I don't have anything special to write in my last post from this year. I hope I will have at least the same amount of time available to write here. I also hope to rearrange some of my priorities and act accordingly. Also, I want to learn more. Much more (and I'm not referring to 'skul' only).
It is highly possible that a break in writing will soon follow since the exam period is dangerously approaching.

Hoping for a better year! Progress is a must!
2009 here I come >:)

vineri, 26 decembrie 2008

Best winter day!

Azi am avut parte de cea mai misto zi de skiat de pana acum! Pitzy s-a decis sa vina in prima zi de Craciun la munte sa skiam. Initial trebuia sa vina doar el cu trenul, pana la urma a venit cu niste amici in 2 masini. Initial se vroia in Predeal pana la urma am mers la Sinaia.
Am fost la cota 2000 si parca nu as mai fi vrut sa plecam de acolo.
Am avut parte de viteza, cazaturi, drumuri misto, zapada din abundenta si niste privelisti minunate. Si frig si soare si ninsoare.

Iar cea mai tare faza a fost coborarea de ala cota 2000 la cota 1400 cu skiurile respectiv placile. Excelent drumul. Iar la final, Pitzy a intrat in copac intr-un stil aparte. :)))

LE: nu stiam eu de ce, dar dupa lungimi nu prea mari de partie, oboseam repede si simteam dureri in picioare. Intr-un final, datorita lui Pitzy care a observat ca nu sunt deloc ascutite canturile mele, mi-am dat seama ca practic nu prea am astfel trebuie sa aplic mai mult forta decat normal in fiecare viraj => obosesc mai repede. Oricum imi trebuiau ski-uri noi so...problema va fi rezolvata intr-un fel sau altul.

LE2: Cum nici o zi de asemenea amploare, si de o asemenea frumusete nu se poate lasa fara sacrificii se pare ca, pentru o perioada de timp, nu voi putea merge intr-un picior din cauza unui..accident...asta e. Life goes on, no biggie.


luni, 22 decembrie 2008

A venit Mosu'. Mai devreme. Si mai gras.

Cuvantul exagerat e prea putin pentru situatia actuala...
Pe scurt, a venit Mosu' cu... uuuuuunnn........SUBWOOOOFER!
Povestea, pe scurt: am decis sa iau subwoofer activ din varii motive. Si am ramas chitit acum cateva luni (cred) pe un JBL BassProII. Azi insa, dupa ce m-am consultat cu un specialist am decis sa nu il iau. Primul motiv: E prea mic. Al doilea, are putere mica (60-70W reali). Al treilea si cel mai tare...carcasa este de plastic.
Astfel ca am acceptat oferta de iarna de la Be-loud. Un subwoofer activ Juice (A12) + cabluri + reducere 50% la montaj.
Ideea este ca eu practic habar nu aveam ce cumpar. Am mers pe mana lor pentru ca am mai facut asa o data si am fost multumit si am zis sa mai incerc inca o data...
Si m-am trezit dupa ce am terminat comanda cu o cutie extra-large in care se afla subwoofer-ul. Si care de abia a incaput in portbagaj.
Las pozele sa zica totul:

Despre el...ce sa zic...500W adevarati...1100 sau 1200W maxim...difuzorul are diametrul de 30cm.
Mai multe chiar nu am ce, decat dupa ce il montez si il aud.

Cert este ca trebuie sa recunosc, dimensiunile sunt prea mari. Ocupa prea mult spatiu din portbagaj, iar pentru masinuta mea...e prea mult.
Ma consolez cu gandul ca o sa se potriveasca de minune cu viitoarea mea despre portbagaj...sunt tanar frate! n-am nevasta, n-am copii, n-am asa mare nevoie de portbagaj.
Acum sa ma prostesc si eu sa imi fac damblaua, ca mai tarziu....


miercuri, 17 decembrie 2008

Treaba la romani

Dupa lupte seculare uite ca am apucat ziua cand am intrat in pasajul pietonal de la Universitate fara sa fiu scarbit de mirosul de la intrare/iesire si fara sa fiu atent pe unde calc din cauza murdariei si lipsei de lumina si fara sa ma imbrancesc din cauza aglomeratiei din jurul McDonalds-ului.
Am intrat intr-un pasaj nou, modern, curat si luminat. Cu muzica de sarbatori si un bradulet pus la mijloc. Cu camere de luat vederi, cu indicatoare la fiecare iesire si, atentie, cu scari rulante. Pentru prima data dupa multi ani am urcat/coborat pe scarile rulante de la Universitate. Asta se intampla in ziua de marti, 16 Decembrie 2008.
Azi, 17 Decembrie 2008 am urcat pe scarile normale. Motivul? Scarile rulante erau deja stricate si o echipa se apuca de 'reparatii'.
Pur si simplu, no comment.

marți, 16 decembrie 2008

Legenda Steaua

Da, am cumparat cartea "STEAUA - Legenda unei echipe de fotbal" si ma bucur ca am facut asta! E groasa, e grea, e de calitate si se gasesc multe informatii utile si placute multor fani. In special celor mai "vechi" care vor rememora anumite momente, faze, jucatori.

Cea mai tare faza a facut-o maicamea, cand i-am aratat cartea, si am pus-o pe masa. M-a intrebat de unde am luat-o, a rasfoit-o un pic si m-a intrebat:
- Cat ai dat pe ea?
- 100 lei
- Pe criza asta?!
- :))


duminică, 14 decembrie 2008

More about Windows 7 beta

I decided to boot-up the virtual machine and start Windows 7 while writing on my blog in the same time. So here I go:
The first thing you notice is the new logo. It's a pretty nice animation that I like. You can find it anywhere on youtube.
Then, the user logon where you have to type your password. Nothing changed here, same as Vista.
After that you see your desktop on the very first bug. On the first boot, I left 3 gadgets opened. A clock, a calendar and sticky notes. The clock and the calendar were on the top right side, where they would normally be on the Vista Sidebar which we don't have now. The notes were placed somewhere in the top center-right. Now, after a reboot, this little gadget is on top of the calendar and partially over the clock. Not good. Moving on.

The start menu. It is still divided into two. The left part with various programs and the right part with quick links to different locations. The "Network" link disappeared in favor of "Devices and Printers". Also, the way they are arranged differs slightly. Then, a big improvement from my point of view is the "ShutDown" button. Instead of the 2 buttons + arrow there is only one + arrow and the one that remained actually is for shutting down your computer.

The next thing you will notice is that some of the programs from the left menu have an arrow. One example would be the "Paint" application. If you hover your mouse on it, the panel will be expanded with your recent pictures(in this case) that were used by the application. Practically, they have removed the "Recently Used Documents" and associated each recently used document with it's default program. Good one. Next.

Speaking of Paint...major changes! It now has an office-like menu and taskbar.

And since we are at the entertainment area....Internet Games are back! Opening the Games link show you a window with: Chess Titan, FreeCell, Hearts, Internet Backgammon, Internet Checkers, Internet Spades, Mahjong Titans, Minesweeper, Purble Place, Solitaire and Spider Solitaire. Good one. Next

Windows Explorer is somehow changed. Also, there are no more "My Documents". Now we have "Libraries" with the defaults: Documents, Music, Pictures and Videos.

Another issue that will be corrected in the future: Every time I log-in a message keeps pop-ing up saying that I do not have an antivirus. It has a link to show me which are recommended and of course, there aren't any.
Oh, it seems that Security Center is replaced by Action Center which has (currently at least) two subdivisions:
-Security: which signals one problem regarding virus protection
-Maintenance: where you can check for solutions to reported problems, set up a back-up, check for updates and some troubleshooting settings. So, no major changes here, just some reorganising. Next.

Windows Experience Index now gives scores from 1.0 to 7.9.
I can change UAC settings and put it the way I like it.

Well, that's about it.
Oh almost forgot: funny thing:

More about UI changes here:


sâmbătă, 13 decembrie 2008

Windows 7

Because of a good friend of mine, my appetite for testing and betas (re)opened. Therefore I have installed on my desktop Virtual PC 2007 SP1 from Microsoft and downloaded the windows 7 beta dvd image build 6956. So now I have Vista Business 32 bit on the notebook, Vista Home Premium 64bit on the desktop, Windows XP Professional SP2 on the desktop, Windows Xp Professional SP3 on the mini-pc, Windows 7 on the virtual PC from the desktop and Ubuntu 8.4 on the notebook.

The installation went without an issue. I was surprised to see that the setup created two partitions on the virtual hard-drive. The 'normal' one and a small one of 200mb "used for the filesystem". Not sure what this means right now because I don't remember any special changes regarding this aspect but who knows? Maybe I've missed something.
Anyway anyhow, there are a handful of changes visible to any user and some more 'under the hood' stuff.
I can't talk about performance since I'm running in virtual mode but I've noticed much less services opened as standard. Around 35. In Vista I have around 65. This might be because not all of them are running since it is a beta. From what I've heard from others, performance IS better. This is translated to less resources used by the operating system.
That's all for now. Perhaps more about the changes in a future post but not very sure since the holidays are coming.


joi, 11 decembrie 2008

Stupid tests

Ce am facut eu in aceasta seara cu domnul Pitzy? De fapt, in ACEASTA seara cand de fapt este ziua lui si cu aceasta ocazie ii urez un calduros "La multi ani!".
Revenind, am luat frumusel ipod-ul si ne-am folosit de accelerometrul integrat pentru un scurt test care dezvaluie cu aproximatie la ce forta centrifuga suntem supusi in masina. Am "reusit" sa ajung la 0.7G la franare. La plecare nu am reusit mai mult de 0.4G datorita deja binecunoscutei probleme cu sonda care o am si pe care sper sa o rezolv finally saptamana viitoare(e deja comandata piesa).
Sper ca dupa ce plec de la cursurile CISCO sa mai fac si niste teste in curbe sa vedem si acolo la ce cifre ajungem ;)

duminică, 7 decembrie 2008

Ce fel de sofer sunt

Pilot la volan

Yet another quote

Depicted from one of the websites I usually read:
"business oriented models for smug people with ugly ties and gaming notebooks. The latter tend to annoy us like a swarm of ill tempered wasps on a nudist beach, so we do our best not to talk about them, as they usually make as much sense as a third nipple on a male mammal. "