duminică, 7 septembrie 2008

Small talk

This happened today and it blew me off. 
I was on the pitch, running a little bit, scoring some goals while at it and suddenly a small boy pops up with another ball. I give him a pass and see that he is quite strong. So I play with him a little more. He wasn't very accurate with the passing which was great because I wanted to run.
Anyway, we eventually got tired and went behind some trees to lay down.
And the following conversation followed:
boy: - How old are you?
me: - 19. You?
boy: - I'm 8. I'm 7 reaching 8.
b:- what grade are you?
m: - i'm in college.
m: - look, i'm not going to stay long because I have to go.
b: - why?
m: - because I have to go.... i'm going back to bucharest
b: - aah, you live there?
m: - yes, born and raised
b: - nice, do you have a girlfriend?
m: - :| :| :| :|
m: - no
b: - :| ; let's play some more.


Now, THAT was strange in my opinion. 


9 comentarii:

Wabbit spunea...


Wabbit spunea...

offtopic: it's funny,cuz next to the word verification box,is a man in a wheel chair.Hey,screw U,Blogger,eu nu-s handicapsat.Yes,handicapsat!

galani spunea...

beldi, ai incercat vreodata sa dai click pe acel scaun cu rotile? vei vedea ca este un sistem creat pt oamenii cu deficienta de vedere care nu pot discerne literele de introdus. astfel in momentul in care dai click pe acel semn, incepe o voce sa dicteze niste cifre. iar in loc sa fii nevoit sa introduci acele litere, introduci cifrele cu pricina.
Este un sistem ajutator pt oamenii handicapati :D
and i know you know that, doar ca nu mi se pare o chestie de luat in deradere :D

Illuminatus spunea...

Ok ok. dar daca omul nu vede bine, cum poate el sa dea click acolo ca sa-i dicteze cineva chestiile alea:|

galani spunea...

poate ca sufera de boala aia care iti permite cu greu sa citesti. poate ca are probleme cu anumite culori. exista foarte multe posibilitati...
cine stie........ e bine ca exista, totusi :)

Wabbit spunea...

astfel in momentul in care dai click pe acel semn, incepe o voce sa dicteze niste cifre.
Saaaaaaaaaaaaaau....iti apare "Click here to download plugin" :))

galani spunea...

okay ma dau batut...
hai sa comentam mai bine post-ul :))

Wabbit spunea...

Yes...de ce nu ai prietena,ba?
Cica in 3 zile o gaura neagra ne va suge :)) [yes,a supernova will suck us in],aren't u gonna get some gurlie action till then?

Illuminatus spunea...

Nu se intampla mey nimic. In special de ziua mea. O sa fie o zi care ramane in istorie, (normal :P ) dar nu ne inghite nimeni la cat de grasi, puturosi si scarbe ne-am facut :)).