joi, 28 august 2008

Steaua - Galatasaray 1-0

Sunt si cateva dezavantaje in a fi intr-o alta tara. Ieri am plecat in vizita mai tarziu decat ma asteptam iar meciul a inceput mai devreme decat ma asteptam. Astfel ca nu am apucat sa vad decat ultimile 10 min + cele 5 de prelungiri. Dar cred ca au fost cele mai frumoase minute. Nici nu stiu daca rezistam sa vad tot meciul. O data din cauza conditiilor mai proaste ( a se citi live streaming nu era chiar live) dar si din pricina faptului ca nu ma puteam manifesta asa cum o fac de obicei.
Calificarea Stelei este o mare performanta dar sper sa nu ne oprim aici. Sa nu ne multumim cu atat, sa zicem ca ne-am facut datoria si gata. Sper sa facem ceva si in grupe. Fie intrarea in sferturi (un lucru total nerealist) fie iesirea din grupe ( dar macar sa fie facuta cu capul sus).
Aseara a fost o seara magica pentru toti suporterii stelei. Iar eu, care nu am prins decat o mica parte din ea, am plans la final de fericire. A fost un sentiment grozav, o descatusare pentru problema care o am.

Nevazand meciul nu imi pot da cu parerea asa ca voi cita din ce au scris altii despre antrenorul echipei si despre omul meciului.

"Lăcătuş şi-a văzut visul cu ochii: a dus Steaua în Liga Campionilor. Pentru al treilea an consecutiv, în Ghencea vor veni greii EuropeiCe cald e la Bucureşti la 9 fără un sfert! Dar cine are, zău, timp să observe chestia asta, cînd echipele îşi fac apariţia pe teren? În spatele lor, în treningul de prezentare, un tip păşeşte cu pieptul înainte, apăsat, ca pe vremuri. Parcă ar vrea să ia el pe umerii lui toată presiunea, deşi lui cine i-o lua atunci? Au trecut anii, să tot fie vreo 20, s-au înmulţit şi kilogramele, poate tot vreo 20. Se uită în dreapta. Galeria e acolo. Îl cheamă la salut, iar el le răspunde. În stilul împrumutat, ce coin­ci­den­ţă, de la Galatasaray. Se uită în stînga. Şi de acolo îl cheamă. Le răs­punde şi lor. Apoi, ca la un semn, în timp ce se îndrepta spre ban­că, stadionul erupe: “Lăcătuş, Lă­cătuş, Lăcătuş, Lăcătuş!”. " (de pe

"Bănel este eroul, dar Rădoi este cel care l-a făcut posibil. Pentru că, fără deposedările cheie ale căpitanului Stelei, probabil că turcii intrau în avantaj la pauză.
Rareori vezi un fotbalist care să închidă toate uşile în nasul unei întregi echipe adverse. Aşa a făcut Rădoi şi de aceea el merită jumătate din Împărăţia Champions League.
Stelistul terminase sezonul în corzi şi, dintr-o dată, a renăscut la Euro. Decizia lui Piţurcă de a-l plasa în mijlocul bătăliei a contat enorm. Într-un fel discret, Rădoi a fost şi acolo muşchiul inimii “naţionalei”. Letargia cu Olanda a fost posibilă şi pentru că Luptătorul a lipsit de pe teren.
Parcă niciodată n-a început atît de bine un campionat. Iar aseară, şi-a răscumpărat toate momentele, vezi Rosenborg, cînd n-a izbutit să tragă echipa după el. Acum, nu doar că a tras-o, dar a şi ridicat-o pe braţe, aruncind-o tocmai sus, catre prima calificare cu el in teren.Cîţi jucători din lume pot spune: “Sînt mai dîrz decît turcii?”. Rădoi este! " (sursa: blogul lui Catalin Tolontan, )


miercuri, 27 august 2008


do we, the human species, deserve to live?

I have been asking this question for a while now and since then I've been seeking answers. It is not that I might have some sort of suicidal thoughts. Nor do I want to kill everybody. Who am I to decide whether another human being deserves to live or not, to be punished or not.
If one is seeking answers in a case-by-case situation then one will never find it.

The really question is why these ignorant, selfish, brutal creatures called people deserve to live?
Look the way we are born. We are born free, innocent, with no sins whatsoever. How do we end our lives? Filled with regrets, hatred, sins. People killing in cold blood other people, people effectively, actively and deliberately destroying our very own planet we live on and most importantly, we end up as people who don't give a frack about anything else BUT themselves.
We never think about consequences, how we destroy forests to have furniture, how we kill animals to have nice fur or leather clothing, how we use up each and every resource this planet has in order to provide for ourselves everything we need to be comfortable, to say the least. For us, destroying or consuming is very easy. Creating is something else.

In fact, the very own topic of this post, this fundamental question reflects nothing but selfishness.

I am sure that this subject was evaluated many times before. And I could go on and on to say why we don't deserve. So I will put a stop to this and look and why we should.
Same ideas were also mentioned or brought into attention in different movies. The ones that I recall right now belong to a certain category: science-fiction. The first would be 'The fifth element'. The second would be a tv-show called 'Battlestar Galactica'. Each of them taunts with this idea more or less. Certainly there are more of these type but all of them will reach the same conclusion. Either because it is the absolute truth or because none of the scrip-writers had a better imagination is up to anybody to decide.

The answer? L O V E.

So simple, right? Well I'm saying.. WRONG. The answer is relatively correct, but is not so simple. At least not in these days.
Love is probably the only feeling that human beings began to experience it but never fully understand why, when and most of all how it occurs. Different answers have been given. Some might sound correct, others not. But it's not a subject of right or wrong here, I believe. Probably a reason why we cannot explain it is the fact the is unique. It manifest differently.

Ever since I had this chance of thinking out of the box completely I thought about this. Sure, if you stay all day in bed and watch ProTv news you would surely say that everybody kills everybody and we all deserve to die.
But, if you go out on the street, out of the country and doing more than just standing in a hotel and going to the beach you will understand more. My staying here in Hamburg opened my eyes even more. I've been taught valuable lessons that I will never forget and always apreciate. But this is another story.

Bottom line:
Do we deserve?
Yes we do!
That is up for you to decide. Just remember, that anybody deserves a second chance!


duminică, 17 august 2008

B-E-A-utiful day

Two great reasons. The first was the football match between Steaua and Arges, which not only it ended 2-0 but I was there near the guys to cheer them up and support them :)
You can bet I am going to do this a lot more often.

Secondly, exactly after the match we went home, changed clothes and went to a party. I was the first late-night party I was going to with my folks. And not only. There were lots of people, 18 overall, each and every one of them exactly my type. Older, mature but with a great teenage spirit. Hell yhea.

We went to a nearby pub which turned out to be exceptional. Lots of german beer, very nice atmosphere and excellent LIVE music. The lead singer even said something like: "Thank you for coming here and listening to live music instead of going to any DJ Parrot". I drinked, I danced like crazy and I enjoyed some nice conversation and company.

I recommend this place to anybody who likes good music. Although I must admit that it's a premium place with premium prices. But in the end it doesn't even matter.

What's sad is that although everything was great, I was still missing something. I was missing HER. And today I promise myself, if SHE comes back one of the first things I will do is take her here and dance with her all night long. One of the greatest ways to show somebody your love and appreciation.


vineri, 15 august 2008

Unexpected for unexpected

Each and every day I wake up with a song in my head. Most of the times it's a song I've listened to the other day several times. Or it just might be a song from my iPod that I like and want to listen.

This time however it was different. I kept hearing it in my head, started singing it(although I suck at it ) and I knew who were the performers but didn't know the song's name. With the help of the internet however, I soon did.

What's special is, I woke up missing that special person, my unexpected reader. I stayed in bed minutes and minutes thinking of her.

No more unnecessary words: the unexpected song which relates to my unexpected reader is: Depeche Mode: Free Love.

If you've been hiding from love

If you've been hiding from love

I can understand where you're coming from

I can understand where you're coming from

If you've suffered enough

If you've suffered enough

I can understand what you're thinking of

I can see the pain that you're frightened of

And I'm only here

To bring you free love

Let's make it clear

That this is free love

No hidden catch

No strings attached

Just free love

No hidden catch

No strings attached

Just free love

I've been running like you

I've been running like you

Now you understand why I'm running scared

Now you understand why I'm running scared

I've been searching for truth

I've been searching for truth

And I haven't been getting anywhere

No I haven't been getting anywhere

And I'm only here

To bring you free love

joi, 14 august 2008

Galatasaray 2 - 2 Steaua

Ieri s-a desfasurat primul meci din dubla cu echipa turceasca pentru accederea in grupele Ligii Campionilor.
Cu doua zile inainte, discutam cu Adrian si i-am zis ca iese egal, probabil 1-1. El nu, ca in mod cert cu turcii nu iese egal ca ori joaca bine si mancam bataie ori joaca prost si pierd.
Bineinteles ca nu a fost asa.
Steaua a inceput meciul extraordinar de bine. In primele minute o minge a ajuns la portar, a degajat in Arthuro, mingea a ajuns la Dayro Moreno care a inscris. Nici nu incepuse bine meciul ca era deja 1-0 pentru Steaua. Aproximativ 9 minute mai tarziu, out de pe partea dreapta executat de Golanski care arunca o minge lunga la marginea careului, un fundas advers respinge pana in centrul defensivei de unde Nicolita reia cu un volei relativ spectaculos si inscrie. Eram in minutul 13 si era deja 2-0. Personal nu imi venea sa cred. Speram sa continuam asa si sa facem un scor mare.
Din pacate, turcii au presat. Mult si bine. Avand in spate si tribunele au reusit sa reduca din diferenta pana la pauza. Golul a fost luat, din nou, pe o greseala a lui Petre Marin. Aproape toate golurile luate in acest an au fost din cauza acestui fundas mereu depasit la mingile aeriene.
Nicolita a jucat cum stie el mai bine. A pierdut multe mingi, a incercat dribling-uri aiurea, nu a dat nici o centrare buna si a alergat mult. Arthuro a alergat mult mai mult decat de obicei si comentatorul a observat acest lucru, a coborat mai mult, a fost mai mobil tragand omul dupa el si creand spatiu in axul central al defensivei.
Daca in prima repriza s-a putut vedea un fotbal nebun cu multe ocazii, a doua a fost diferita. S-a inceput in acelasi mod dar s-a terminat repede. Steaua a mai luat un gol, si deja la 2-2 toti isi aduceau aminte de meciul cu Middlesborough. Ultimile 15 minute au fost slabe, ambele echipe fiind obosite. Steaua si-a mai creat 2 ocazii, printre care si un cap al lui Arthuro care a trecut putin pe langa poarta.
Radoi a fost de departe cel mai bun jucator, facand pana la finalul meciului doar 3 greseli. Si Goian a jucat bine, Dayro Moreno la fel. Arthuro a ajutat echipa, Nicolita a alergat mult si in sfarsit cu un pic de folos marcand si el dupa aproape un an, Toja s-a vazut putin, a avut un sut periculos, cateva actiuni, destul de multe mingi pierdute dar nu se putea cere mai mult de la el in conditiile date. Lovin nu mi-a prea placut, Ov. Petre se vedea ca e obosit iar Golanski pare un pic dus cu pluta. Zapata a facut un meci bun si cu putin noroc putea sa evite si golul 2 dar nimic nu i se poate imputa.

Din punct de vedere tehnic, pe foaie un 2-2 scos in deplasare este un rezultat foarte bun. Situatia reala insa nu este asa buna deoarece in 2 saptamani pana cand este returul, echipa adversara are timp sa isi imbunatateasca jocul, sa se simta mai bine colegii si sa revina si unii din jucatorii importanti care au lipsit din cauza accidentarilor.

Urmeaza meciul cu FC Arges care va fi greu din cauza energiei pierdute ieri si a timpului scurt la dispozitie. Cred ca e timpul ca antrenorul sa faca niste modificari si sa nu mai foloseasca aceeasi oameni pana la epuizare. Vom vedea.

marți, 5 august 2008

Music and behavior

Now I know those two are related. Everybody can notice some patterns and it seems that some of us had done a study.
The results:


POP: Conformists, overly responsible, role-conscious, struggling with sexuality or peer acceptance.

HEAVY METAL: Higher levels of suicidal ideation, depression, drug use, self-harm, shoplifting, vandalism, unprotected sex.

DANCE: Higher levels of drug use regardless of socio-economic background.

JAZZ/RHYTHM & BLUES: Introverted misfits, loners.

RAP: Higher levels of theft, violence, anger, street gang membership, drug use and misogyny.


extract from :

It is important to note that it is not the music that for example make people kill themselves. No, this study is about types of people that prefer a certain type of music.

In other words, if you are depressed and want to put a hole in your mouth you are probably listening to heavy metal. Not the other way around.

As always this doesn't mean that EVERY guy who listens to rap is violent and angry but there is a pattern and it should be taken into consideration.


luni, 4 august 2008

3 August 2008

This day is a major day. It's not anyone's birthday, it's not a national day, i didn't get a new computer or something like that.
No, this day is much more important that any of these. It's the day the "new and improved" Vlady is born. It's the day when I realized that I've been living for 4 years in disbelief and lies. What I had to offer was refused, brutally: "eu nu mai vreau / eu acum sunt cu altcineva / imi e bn".
I never got a second chance.

At first I was mad, I couldn't think but then I cooled down and talked to the Lord. You know what I said to Him?

I said "Thank you". I said it because although now, in this moment, it is impossible to feel that way, I know that everything turned out this way because I deserve better. And in the near future I would find somebody who I will care about, and she will care about me back and I will like her so very much. And then, when I will find that special person, I will remember THIS day and I will say "Thank you".

I needed a change anyway. Didn't thought it would be so big.

Anyway, please welcome the new Vlady. Faster, stronger, better.

ps. as for my "always-on status but not always posted on yahoo messenger" :
I am better. And I will always be better than anybody you will be with. You Lost.

vineri, 1 august 2008

Notebook problems

Well well. Like it was enough, another problem appears.
I was watching a TV show, when suddenly the screen froze. I thought that the video file was broken or something but no. The image was frozen, the mouse and the sound too. I couldn't do anything. The only option left was a shut down. After powering it on I had the ugly surprise to see that every image was "damaged" and Windows wouldn't boot. After the loading bar, a nice big clear black screen appears and it just stays. What's worse is that even the start-up image, with the dell logo is damaged. At first I thought that maybe something happened to my video card but the fact that EVERY image is compromised made me believe it probably has something to do with the monitor. I tried everything I could in BIOS but nothing. I boot-up up windows in safe mode and it works. Actually, I am writing this from safe mode with networking. And I have a big headache because of the screen resolution.

Therefore, I have to get back to Bucharest and send this computer to repair. I will do a back-up just to be safe but I don't think that my data is in danger.

All in all, it really sucks that this happened.