YES!!! It truly does work! However, let's not jump to conclusions so fast. First of all, if you have a quad-core, 4 or more gigabytes of ram and so on, no, readyboost won't do you any good. In fact, according to some reviewers, it will even slow down you startup.
Readyboost doesn't even work very well on my 4200+ X2 with 4gb of ram.
In fact, this technology is good in only to cases. One, if you have only 1GB of ram or two, if your hard drive has less than 7200 rpms.
Unfortunately, my notebook has a slow hdd. It does have 2gb of ddr2 but the hdd preety much sucks. It is alos true that with a faster one it would have heated up quicker and the battery would last for a shorter period of time.
Anyways, I noticed that my startup was pretty slow and since I was in the "experimenting with my flash usb memory" state I decided it was the perfect occasion to do this.
To my shame, I haven't done a rough test but to my surprize the difference is noticeable "with bare eyes". Indeed the boot-up is faster. Also Microsoft Outlook starts up quicker than it used to before inserting my SanDisk Cruiser and activating ReadyBoost.
So here we go. Waiting forward to installing Service Pack 1 for Vista which I heard that not only does it improve overall performance, but comes with a few tweaks for ReadyBoost. Release Candidate is out, but I'm not going to install it. I will wait when everything is 100% done.
joi, 20 decembrie 2007
marți, 18 decembrie 2007
Get used to it
I never really understood why our nation has to do everything...backwards! Let me give you two examples. The first example is that every time winter comes, someone decides that this is the perfect period of time to install new heating equipment. Of course, by all means you should change you heating source when outside the temperatures are below 0 degrees and not during summer when you couldn't care less about them.
The second one has to do with the public roads administration. It seems that they have, somewhere, some sort of code because everywhere they do the same thing. The main street is in bad shape. What to do? Well, remove what it's left, build a new one, go to the press and scream that you've build a new street and after that....CHANGE THE PIPES :)) Come on...after two weeks of fresh material for the street, a new crew comes to destroy it so that they can reach 3 meters down to change a 20 year old pipe.
Wouldn't it be easier to contact every company that has something below the street, ask them if they need to do anything and AFTER that start building a new road? The answer: No. Why? Because doing the right thing here is forbidden. Make it backwards, or die!!
Do something logical and 'by the book'? Neah ...not here.
The second one has to do with the public roads administration. It seems that they have, somewhere, some sort of code because everywhere they do the same thing. The main street is in bad shape. What to do? Well, remove what it's left, build a new one, go to the press and scream that you've build a new street and after that....CHANGE THE PIPES :)) Come on...after two weeks of fresh material for the street, a new crew comes to destroy it so that they can reach 3 meters down to change a 20 year old pipe.
Wouldn't it be easier to contact every company that has something below the street, ask them if they need to do anything and AFTER that start building a new road? The answer: No. Why? Because doing the right thing here is forbidden. Make it backwards, or die!!
Do something logical and 'by the book'? Neah ...not here.
vineri, 14 decembrie 2007
Craciun 2007
Se pare ca ne apropiem de Craciun cu pazi repezi si acest lucru se vede la tot pasul. Ieri la cursul de geometrie, o colega de grupa a facut un desen foarte sugestiv->
Iar dupa antrenamentul de volei, cand am iesit afara ningea foarte frumos. Prima zapada care s-a depus pe masini. O priveliste incantatoare. Mai tarziu am aflat ca pe autostrada Bucuresti Pitesti au fost peste 40 de tamponari din cauza aceste ninsori. ( Bucurestiul are tendinta sa strice toate aspectele frumoase ale unui lucru, nu? )
Iar dupa antrenamentul de volei, cand am iesit afara ningea foarte frumos. Prima zapada care s-a depus pe masini. O priveliste incantatoare. Mai tarziu am aflat ca pe autostrada Bucuresti Pitesti au fost peste 40 de tamponari din cauza aceste ninsori. ( Bucurestiul are tendinta sa strice toate aspectele frumoase ale unui lucru, nu? )
Sportul la Romani
Foarte interesanta chestie. La noi in Romania, toate ziarele de sport si canalele de stiri sportive difuzeaza 90% fotbal. Desi fan al acestui sport, lucrul acesta ma intristeaza si enerveaza in acelasi timp.
In primul rand, fotbalul din Liga 1 este foarte prost din punct de vedere calitativ. Ba mai mult, conducatorii echipelor sunt niste javre ordinare, fara pic de bun simt sau discernamant. Iar ziaristii nostrii, daca pot fi numiti ziaristi, tiparesc orice prostie scoasa de Becali, Borcea sau alte asemenea specimene.
In al doilea rand, in timp ce echipele din Liga noastra de faptul se chinuie, sau mai bine zis se fac de ras in Europa, alte echipe dar din alte sporturi precum handbal-ul (atat echipa nationala cat si echipele de club) fac senzatie in aceleasi competitii europene.
Intradevar, astazi, dupa victoria Romaniei in fata Frantei, prima pagina este rezervata acestei victorii. Dar atat. Doua-trei alte articole si in Becali e suparat pe Neaga. Mai mult, de dimineata cand am deschis TV-ul, erau stirile sportive; cu ce au inceput? cu un interviu cu Becali. (!!)
Azi am decis nici sa nu mai ma uit la vreo stire sau sa citesc vreun ziar online. Intru pe eurosport daca e sa mai vad cate ceva si atat. Nu merita atata atentie din partea mea aceste caricaturi de personaje care se auto intituleaza jurnalisti.
In primul rand, fotbalul din Liga 1 este foarte prost din punct de vedere calitativ. Ba mai mult, conducatorii echipelor sunt niste javre ordinare, fara pic de bun simt sau discernamant. Iar ziaristii nostrii, daca pot fi numiti ziaristi, tiparesc orice prostie scoasa de Becali, Borcea sau alte asemenea specimene.
In al doilea rand, in timp ce echipele din Liga noastra de faptul se chinuie, sau mai bine zis se fac de ras in Europa, alte echipe dar din alte sporturi precum handbal-ul (atat echipa nationala cat si echipele de club) fac senzatie in aceleasi competitii europene.
Intradevar, astazi, dupa victoria Romaniei in fata Frantei, prima pagina este rezervata acestei victorii. Dar atat. Doua-trei alte articole si in Becali e suparat pe Neaga. Mai mult, de dimineata cand am deschis TV-ul, erau stirile sportive; cu ce au inceput? cu un interviu cu Becali. (!!)
Azi am decis nici sa nu mai ma uit la vreo stire sau sa citesc vreun ziar online. Intru pe eurosport daca e sa mai vad cate ceva si atat. Nu merita atata atentie din partea mea aceste caricaturi de personaje care se auto intituleaza jurnalisti.
Gaming Headset
I was interested in buying a pair of gaming headset for my pc as a cheaper alternative to some other gifts I had in mind. Not knowing much about them, I looked up companies that produce them and I found a few: Razer, Zalman, Plantronics etc.
As always, models I liked and were described as good in different reviews were prohibitively expensive.
After a sort of, 'let it go and find something else' I turned my attention to Unreal Tournament 3 and the new patch that fixed quite a few things I wanted. Therefore, 'let the Campaign begin'. However, being a little bit too late to start up my 2.1 audio system I had to put a headset on. Since I have a brand new wireless headphones for my iPod, and an extension cord I told myself to give it a try. Plugged the transmitter, started the 'receiver' aka headphones and I was ready to go. To my surprise, the sound quality was pretty good. Incomparable to that of a professional gaming set but still, better then standard headphones.
So, I said: since I don't have enough money to buy a very good set to match my preferences and start looking for a budget solution and and up with another set with similar performances as my Logitech FreePulse.... KEEP THE MONEY and buy something else. It's the wise thing to do. The only downside it that the FreePulse runs out of batteries in five or six hours. If you look on the bright side, this would give me a chance to rest my eyes and wrist.
As always, models I liked and were described as good in different reviews were prohibitively expensive.
After a sort of, 'let it go and find something else' I turned my attention to Unreal Tournament 3 and the new patch that fixed quite a few things I wanted. Therefore, 'let the Campaign begin'. However, being a little bit too late to start up my 2.1 audio system I had to put a headset on. Since I have a brand new wireless headphones for my iPod, and an extension cord I told myself to give it a try. Plugged the transmitter, started the 'receiver' aka headphones and I was ready to go. To my surprise, the sound quality was pretty good. Incomparable to that of a professional gaming set but still, better then standard headphones.
So, I said: since I don't have enough money to buy a very good set to match my preferences and start looking for a budget solution and and up with another set with similar performances as my Logitech FreePulse.... KEEP THE MONEY and buy something else. It's the wise thing to do. The only downside it that the FreePulse runs out of batteries in five or six hours. If you look on the bright side, this would give me a chance to rest my eyes and wrist.
joi, 13 decembrie 2007
Ce nu imi place la Samsung (tel mobil)
Fiind asaltat in mod constant de toate ofertele din Romania de reduceri de sarbatori si neavand ce face la cursul de geometrie, m-am gandit ca ar fi frumos sa ma uit pe lista de telefoane mobile. Si uite asa mi-am adus aminte de un repros la adresa telefoanelor Samsung: instalarea jocurilor Java. Am avut un P520, momentan am un E800, mama are un E600, tata a avut un D600, bunicamiu un X450 si tot asa. Bineinteles, nu am incercat sa instalez jocuri pe fiecare dintre mobile insa, la 3 din ele operatia in sine nu e asa usoara/ieftina. Da, am zis ieftina pentru ca pentru moment singura solutie este accesarea unui site wap de pe care sa le downloadez si instalez. Am incercat trimiterea fisierului prin bluetooth, nu a mers. Am instalat softul pentru pc al telefonului insa nu are nici o astfel de optiune.
Am mai cautat pe net, vag, si gasisem niste programe, un jad maker si un java installer prin care se puteau instala jocurile insa la acel moment nu aveam chef sa imi bat capul cu metode destul de complicate.
Alta parte urata este ca pretul lor este f mare dupa parerea mea si nu intotdeauna stii daca ceea ce cumperi este bun. Am reusit sa iau un joc gratuit care mai downloadeaza din cand in cand niste publicitate dar suficient de putina incat sa nu imi vina factura prea mult :). Apropo de factura, am niste idei legate de abonament dar asta e deja alt topic.
Am mai cautat pe net, vag, si gasisem niste programe, un jad maker si un java installer prin care se puteau instala jocurile insa la acel moment nu aveam chef sa imi bat capul cu metode destul de complicate.
Alta parte urata este ca pretul lor este f mare dupa parerea mea si nu intotdeauna stii daca ceea ce cumperi este bun. Am reusit sa iau un joc gratuit care mai downloadeaza din cand in cand niste publicitate dar suficient de putina incat sa nu imi vina factura prea mult :). Apropo de factura, am niste idei legate de abonament dar asta e deja alt topic.
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